Sunday, August 1, 2010

First creations post

I figure since I made a blog to do posts of my creations then I better start. July 19-23 I went to a teachers workshop. It was called 3D modeling and animation which was taught at UVU by Anthony Romrell, a UVU teacher. I learned quite a lot in the few days. The program that we used was Autodesk Maya. I have never used Maya before. I have found it to be a pretty cool 3d modeling program. Throughout the week I learned to make a lamp (I turned it into a faucet lamp), a sailboat, a couch, and the last project was a face that we worked on. I still need to finish the rest of the head then make a body for it, but I will post what I have done. We did a little bit of UV mapping too, but I'm not going to post any of that stuff. This workshop was well worth my time and my money, since it only cost $25 for the week and that covered our lunches too. Well here are pictures of the models that I did:

This much of the face took me 4 1/2 hours to do. You have to have a lot of patience to do it, and be a little bit OCD.